Monday, 6 April 2020

Ibrahim in lockdown

Hi Bloggers,
On Saturday I had my birthday we did not invite anyone on my birthday because of you know the corona virus. We got to have a BBQ party and a cake. I played with my cousins it was fun we played birthday games like  musical chairs, dance freeze, pass the ball and we played football.

In pass the ball we had one round and guess who won I won everyone said the birthday boy won!
When we played dance freeze it was a tie nobody won. I won 2 in a row games and my cousin won one game. I was the winner of all the birthday games.Since i was the birthday boy i got to give everyone lollipops. 

As a special treat i got to have a sleepover with my cousins. I got to watch a movie with them. It was the best day ever!
I had so much fun on my birthday.

hope you are well. Miss everyone at school!

Kia Koa