Monday, 14 December 2020

SLJ Week 1 Day 1 - Your Comment Count


(Saying hello in Croatian)                    Your Comment Count.

Zdravo bloggers. Today for summer learning journey we had to do why your comment is a quality comment.  We had to take a screenshot of the comment we did. I chose Abullah from Te Ana Ako. Here is the screenshot of my comment. 

Bye bye! 

Blog ya later!

Wednesday, 9 December 2020


 Sawubona Mindfulness

(saying hello in Zulu)

Sawubona bloggers. Yesterday in the afternoon after lunch I went to mindfulness with my whole class.  I was really excited. One thing was that it was after lunch so that meant that we just ate lunch but we can't like run and jump around. I went to the hall with my whole class. The whole hall looked so comfortable. We sat on our own mats. We went to sit on our mats. First we did the easy pose. Which was so easy to do. We just had to sit on our mats cross our legs and put our hands on our lap. After easy pose we had to hug our legs and take like three or four deep breaths. Then we sat back on our mats and closed our eyes. We had to bring our attention to ourselves. After bringing our attention we had to open our eyes. Then we played a game called the hula hoop we had to hold hands and pass the hula hoop by holding our hands. We finished the game in 2 minutes.  It was our highest score. After playing the game we had to get into buddies. We had to say to our buddy what we felt. After some time we lay down on our mats and took three deep breaths. When we are done doing three deep breaths we have to put our hands beside us. It was the end of mindfulness. I hope you guys had fun reading my blog post. 

Blog ya later.

Thursday, 3 December 2020

SLJ 2020 (Art Coloring book.)


(saying hello in Polish)

Witaj bloggers today we did something special. We did the art coloring book I will send you guys the link and I will send the picture that I colored in. I found the art coloring book from the summer learning journey. Some of you might know summer learning journey. Summer learning journey is about blogging. You just search up summer learning journey. You will get more information when you search it up. The coloring art book is so fun. You can choose any picture in the art color book and you get to color it. Here is the link and I have put a quiz which one did I make number 1 or number 2?


                                                                Which one is Which


                                                           Art-Coloring Book Link 

Friday, 27 November 2020

Bike Skills

Dia dhuit

(saying hello in Irish) Bike Skills

Dia dhuit bloggers yesterday me and my whole class when to bike skills. I couldn't wait to do bike skills. They were two sessions just like everyone did two sessions in skate boarding. The coaches name's were Rachelle and Holly. They were telling us how to wear a helmet. When they told everyone how to wear a helmet. I got my helmet and checked that if this was the right size to wear. It was the perfect size. Holly and Rachelle split us into groups. I was in Rachelle's group. In my group we had to make a line so we can get our bikes. When I finally got my two wheel bike I was ready to ride my bike. But Rachelle told us we had to follow the safety rules how to get on and off the bike.  So we followed the safety steps how to get your bike ready before riding it. After doing some safety rules we played a game called red light green light. We had to ride our bikes in a circle and when Rachelle says red light we have to stop. But when she says green light we can ride our bikes.  The bikes were looking new and I could ride my bike so fast like a cheetah.  After playing green light red light we played a game called box game. So the rules for the box game was that if your toes touch the ground your out , if you bump with someone you are out and if you get out of the yellow line your out. We played that game some people got out finally in the end they were three people left including me. One person got out it was me and my class mate left we cycled and then in the end guess what. I won! hooray I said to myself. Our first session went so great and fun the other session was after morning tea. 

After morning tea I had some water and then I went to bike skills. We had some fruit. This time Rachelle said that we are going to play the bean bag game. In the bean bag game you have a bean bag and you have to balance the bean bag. If you drop the bean bag you have to pick it up and put it in your helmet to balance it. We got into groups of three. In my group there was Daniel and Grayson. So we had to balance the bean bag Grayson went first. After Grayson it was Daniel's and then finally it was my turn. I didn't even drop the bean bag because my head was straight. After some time we won! So Rachelle said to everyone in Rachelle's group that we had to play the box game with the whole class. The whole class played a couple of rounds. I kept on getting out but still I did not care. After playing the box game we played Chinese whisperer. The rules are the person in the front has to do a signal and everyone has to do the thing that the person in the front is doing. After playing Chinese whisperer it was time to put the bikes away and go to class. I really enjoyed biking. So Daniel asked if Rachelle and Holly are coming next week. But Rachelle said no. Everyone really wanted to do bike skills again. I had so much fun at bike skills it was the best day for me. 

                                                                       The End!


Friday, 20 November 2020

Skate Boarding


(saying hello in Dutch)                       Skateboarding

Hallo bloggers I will be telling what we did for today. We did... guess... skate boarding. But one thing was I had to watch everyone skate board because I was sick. I said to myself it does not matter. I can watch everyone skate and learn how to skate. The coaches names were Ben and Laurence. There were two sessions one was in the morning and the other one was after morning tea. So I watched my class mates skate they got into groups some people were with Ben and some people were with Lawrence. So I watched the group with Ben. Ben showed everyone some tricks I was really impressed, some tricks were hard. The tricks that everyone did were: crab walk, 180 degrees, tik tax and some more tricks. After that  everyone played a game called what's up wolf. So Laurence and Ben told everyone how to play the game. One person was the wolf you have to skate and when the wolf turns his head around you have to freeze. If did not freeze you have to take 4 steps back and then when he says dinner time you have to race. Who ever comes first gets to be the wolf. So everyone played a few rounds of what's up wolf. After playing the game everyone could do freestyles for 2 minutes. We had to go back to class I was looking forward to watching everyone skate again after morning tea. 

Okay so it was morning tea I was so excited to go to skateboarding and watch everyone. When the bell rang we had to get ready on the deck but Ben and Laurence wanted help from some children to put the helmets with the skate board I helped. So everyone started skate boarding I went to sit on a bench. The same people have to be in the same group. This time there were going to be different tricks. When I saw everyone doing the tricks some people fell on the ground. The tricks were really hard to try. Some people couldn't skate very well so I cheered their name. After doing some tricks everyone played what's up wolf again. I said to my self this was going to be exciting to watch. This time there was one rule on that game that you had to pick up your skate board and then freeze. Everyone did so many rounds in what's up wolf. This was the only game everyone played in skate boarding. After playing so many rounds of what's up wolf it was time to do free style for a couple of minutes then it was time to pack up and go to class. Everyone including me said thank you to Ben and Lourence. The thing that I liked was that people were really encouraging and did team work.                                                      

                                                                    The End! 


    Thursday, 12 November 2020

    Jasmine and Aladdin school Production.


    (Saying hello in Arabic)

    Marhaba bloggers today for my blog post I will be talking about my 3 day school production. So last week on Wednesday Waikowhai primary school went to Waikowhai intermediate. We had to walk to Waikowhai intermediate I was really happy. We had to be in pairs. My buddy was Indie. Me and Indie kept on talking while we went past Green Molly Reserve. I was really nervous as I was one of the people who was going to dance in the production. So we finally arrived at Waikowhai intermediate. I did some coloring and then went out to play with everyone but we could not play with their sports equipment and we could not play with the Waikowhai intermediate kids we had to play in Keith park's playground. After the bell rang we had to go in the hall and then we had to do a practice. After practicing so much I was tried so we went back to school and we had some lunch after which we played.

    It took us 2 hours to practice but I felt butterflies in my tummy because tonight was the production night so we packed our bags and went home our teachers had told everyone to arrive at 6:00 pm. Our show was based on the story "Aladdin". I arrived at the Waikowhai intermediate hall. I could see all of my friends and my class mates so I had to get changed quickly. The whole school was in the play even the junior school and the middle school were doing dances on different songs. My song's name was R.E.S.P.E.C.T The show started and I was really excited as my parents were there as well, amongst the audience. When it was my turn I was really really nervous. The song started and of we went in the whole audience were cheering for us. When the song finished the audience cheered so much. Upon the end of the show we did a bow infront of the audience and the cast members and crew. We had to repeat the show 2 more days and then it ended on Friday. Everyone told us that they were very proud of us all. I was happy that it went really awesome I was really proud of myself. 

                                         The end here are some photos of me in the production.

    Friday, 18 September 2020

    Note taking

     Tena koutou 

    (Saying hello in te reo Maori)  

    Tena koutou bloggers this week in reading, our focus was about the Moon. We had to watch a video and find a fun fact in the video and put it into a popplet.  Popplet is a website that you can take notes in instead of going to google docs. After reading this post you can look at the web if you have time.

    When we watched the video Mrs Hill said that we have to get a fun fact that is about the Moon. I learned so much about the Moon and I even took a screen shot of my note taking. The video was so funny that I was laughing. But we can't put the the jokes in the note taking. The note taking was really interesting  and the popplet web was so fun. If you look at the web you will have fun too and you can take notes as well. Then we cleaned the class up.

    This is the end of my blog post and telling you guys what I am learning in reading.  Here is the link to the popplet website here is my screen shot of my note taking.   

                                                                          Blog ya later!

    Friday, 11 September 2020

    Basketball Kiwi sport

     Ciao bloggers

    (Saying hello in Italian)

    On 10th September Wednesday for Kiwi sport we did basketball this time. I did not know that much about Basketball so did some of the students in my class. The people who were going to teach us basketball were Mikey and Ronan. Ronan said that he was from Scotland and Mikey was from NZ. 

    So I grabbed my basketball  dribbling with it and bouncing it. The ball was so bouncy. Ronan  taught us some tricks some of them were hard to do but I still tried. The hardest trick was get it under your legs and then get into buddies. Then I finally got it under my legs. Now I was buddying up with Jihu. 

    I was so happy being with Jihu because there are 2 reasons he is my friend and he is great at basketball. Mikey said to pass the ball and catch it with one arm. We did some tricks and then we played a game. The game was to get the ball you have 10 sec to get the ball and tackle the person. Everyone had a turn then it was my turn.

    When it was my turn I was ready and then I tried to tackle my class mate and everyone were counting to 10 sec. When it was 2 sec left I couldn't get the ball. The Ronan said good try to me. It was so fun playing basketball. Ronan said to everyone give each other high five. 

                                                             The End 


    Friday, 4 September 2020

    Film Festival (preparation )

     Kia Ora bloggers 

    On Tuesday we were back to Film Festival for our  preparation. It was time that we had to make Films. Everyone and my group finished our script. A script is lines that you are given to speak in  films. So we ordered our costumes but Miss Daly said that it might take time for the costumes to arrive. We waited for the costumes so much then  Daniel in my film festival team had an idea. Instated of the costumes he said let's practise. We practised  and it took us time.

    But we were practicing so we could've   got it wrong because we were practicing it was so fun some people said at lunch so they can make there movie in lunch. So some people were not practicing. We were working on our script my first line was ah ha it's mars isn't it. We were keep on getting it wrong but everyone in my team said it is okay because we had  more days to practice. Then we packed up I had really fun doing Film Festival. 



    Friday, 7 August 2020

    Kiwi Sport- Tennis

    KIA Ora bloggers

    On Wednesday August 5th we did tennis for Kiwi Sport it was the last game for tennis. 
    We had to do the points for the tennis game. My team number was 3 so were team 3. We were first playing a game were we had to not trouble bounce it.

    So we played that game I bounced it twice so I had to pass the racket to the next person. I wasn't that good in tennis but I am good in football/soccer. It was really had to do one bounce in tennis. Some people did the same thing as me. So I was not the only one doing two bounce.

    When Wayne,  came which was the coach. We had to start the game so we were versing no 2. I was partner with Daniel we were playing 2 vs 2. Me and Daniel got a point for our team so we got 1 point. Then we got the next point.

    We won by no 2. Now we were versing no 1 they were doing really good in tennis. Me and Daniel were first so we got a point. I was really nervous that we won't get a point but we dd. I was happy. Then  they got a point then we. In the end the score was tied the score was 5-5 

    The were no winners or losers but thing was I had so much fun I did not even care about winning or losing.

                                                         The End!

    Friday, 31 July 2020

    Film Festival

    Kia Ora  bloggers

    Yesterday  Miss Daly picked me for the film festival. I was so happy because this was the first time I was in the film festival. Miss Daly said that these movies will be presented at St Lukes.

    She said the movies had to be proper, not trash. We had to make a group of 6. In my group there was Daniel, Pao, Mahdi, Aarya and Teuila. We had to write what kind of movie we will make.

    We had to get Daniel's Chromebook for the template which was the plan how we are going to make a proper movie.  

    We got a idea that Mahdi was a new kid with blue skin with red hair. The plan of our movie was going to be fun. 

    One more thing that Miss Daly said is that we might use drones and teachers cars. Everyone screamed because they were so excited. This was the best day of my life.

    For the  template we got to compete three boxes and there was three left. Miss Daly said it is a really good plan about the movie. We packed up.

    Friday, 24 July 2020

    Matariki day

    Kia Ora bloggers!

    On Thursday July 23 the Senior  whole syndicate did the Matariki rout ion  we  had to go to all three classes one class was making kites the other class was making Maori bread which was so yum and the last class was doing slow motion which was really cool. First in my class we were making kites me, Daiki, Ji hu and Caja were buddies we were making the big kite. 

    We used bamboo to make the big kite. Us four needed hot glue, bamboo and a rib in. We all had a turn putting hot glue but Ji hu burnt his finger. When the kite was finished it looked so cool and so awesome  everyone said the same thing. After finishing the kite it was time to go to the other class which was making Maori bread. 

    I was really happy because the Maori bread was going to be yummy. I sat with my same buddies we had to make the Maori bread ourselves. First we got flour  and then we got water after that  leave the flour for a few min and make it into a circle. We went to the firer. We waited for 2-4 min. After waiting w ate the bread with butter and chocolate. 

    It was so yummy I got the second biggest piece. After eating bread we went to the slow motion class.
    I was buddies with Daniel and Teulia . The story in the slow motion was about Matariki some people did other stories. But we did a story about Matariki we did no get to finish it it was time to go home. I had a really good day.

    Friday, 3 July 2020

    Cross Country

    Ola Bloggers 
    (Saying hello in Portuguese)

    This week on Thursday the 2nd of July we did the cross country in school. I was with the year 5. We began on the playground I played tag on the playground. After that we played tennis my partner was Dev. Dev was helping me how to hit the ball. 

    After playing tennis  we were going to play hand ball me,Dev Freddy and Indie were playing hand ball.
    When hand ball was finished we went to another station. The game was to put on your blind folder and pick 2 beanbags if you have 2 beanbags then your team wins. 

    My partner was Daniel. me and Daniel collected  one beanbag. We just needed one more beanbag to win.
    When we finished the bean bag game I got 5 house points. We went to warm-up because our run was almost starting. I was so nervous. After warm up we played duck duck goose. 

    When we finished playing duck duck goose we were cheering for the year 4 because it was there run. After cheering year 4 it was our race. I was so so nervous. Guess which place I came 6th place I was so happy that I came 6th place.  It was year 6 turn. My friends Yousef and Indie. Yousef came first. Indie came 2th

    After the long cross country we had lunch. When I finished for lunch it was time to play I played hand ball 
    with Indie,Yousef, dev and even more children played with us.

                                                            The End



    Monday, 6 April 2020

    Ibrahim in lockdown

    Hi Bloggers,
    On Saturday I had my birthday we did not invite anyone on my birthday because of you know the corona virus. We got to have a BBQ party and a cake. I played with my cousins it was fun we played birthday games like  musical chairs, dance freeze, pass the ball and we played football.

    In pass the ball we had one round and guess who won I won everyone said the birthday boy won!
    When we played dance freeze it was a tie nobody won. I won 2 in a row games and my cousin won one game. I was the winner of all the birthday games.Since i was the birthday boy i got to give everyone lollipops. 

    As a special treat i got to have a sleepover with my cousins. I got to watch a movie with them. It was the best day ever!
    I had so much fun on my birthday.

    hope you are well. Miss everyone at school!

    Kia Koa 

    Saturday, 18 January 2020

    SLJ Wk3 D5 A3- Own Chioce

    Hi bloggers
    It is the end of week 3! So I decided to do activity 3. We had to pick a scientist  and do research about them. I choose Peter Buck. Here is the research.

    His full name is Sir Peter Henry Buck (Te Rangi Hiroa/ Te Rangihiroa).

    He has been a doctor , military leader, health administrator, politician, anthropologist and a museum director.

    After World War 2 there was a very high rate of Maori people dying from influenza, so Peter Buck helped them.

     (I will not be doing the summer learning journey next week because we are going to a summer vacation.)

    Related image

    Wednesday, 15 January 2020

    SLJ Wk3 D3 A1- Nanogirl

    Hi Bloggers
    It is Wednesday of week 3! Today I choose to do activity 1, which was about tiny houses. We had to watch 3 videos on buildtiny// New Zealand , and then explain if we ever wanted to live in a tiny house and why or not.

    I personally don't want to live in a tiny house because i like to lots of space to do what I want. I also prefer having more space because then you don't have a hard time trying to fit things in that you want.


    Tuesday, 14 January 2020

    SLJ Wk3 A3 D1- Apple vs Micosoft

    Hi bloggers
    It is now week 3!  I choose to do activity 3. We had to find 2 companies and compare them. Then we had to do a rivalry between the 2 company's . In the example they used Apple and Microsoft but we needed to find 2 examples of rivalries. I choose,

    - Stuff and NZ Herald
    _ Countdown and Pak'n Save

    Here is what I found out

    Stuff was founded in February 2011 by Gregory Colin Haywood. It is owned by Nine Entrainment co. It has been a subsidiary of Nine Entrainment Co since December 2018.


    NZ Herald was founded in 1981 by William Chisholm Wilson and had it,s first newspaper publish on the 13th of November 1863. It is owned by NZME (NewZealand media and Entrainment) which is owned by itself.

    Countdown Was founded in 1981 by Woolworth (The Australian version of Countdown). It is owned by Woolworth NZ. It was created in May 1981.


    Pak,n Save was Founded in 1985 and owned by Foodstuffs. Their headquarters are in Wellington.
    Foodstuffs also owns New world , Pams and Four Square.

    Wednesday, 8 January 2020

    SLJ Wk2 A1- The right vote on the 10$ note.

    Hi bloggers

    This is week 2 for the summer learning journey. Today was to vote about who can be on the 10$ note. I choose to do activity 1 which was about Kate Shepperd . The was to replace Kate Shepperd on the 10 $ note who should be replace her with? I personally think it should be our prime minster Jacinda Arden. I picked her because she is our prime minster she should be on the 10$ note.

    I think we should choose Jacinda Arden because she is amazing.Another reason why she should be chosen because she helped people when something bad happens.

    Image result for jacinda ardern

    Who do you think we should put on the 10$ note?

    Tuesday, 7 January 2020

    SLJ Wk2 D1 A3- Dear Jacinda

    Hi bloggers
    This is the second week of the summer learning journey. I picked to do Jacinda Ardern which was activity 3. Here is my letter about Jacinda Ardern.

    Image result for jacinda ardern
    Dear Jacinda Ardern

    Please help the  people
    who are poor and they don't have that much to eat.

    Please say to some people do not
    be smocking everywhere because smocking can be dangerous.

    We should have more schools
    because schools make you learn a lot of things.

    Lastly be the best prime minster in                                         
    the world.                                                                                

    By the way I am not doing the summer learning next week because I am going on a summer vacation.